Read this email. Answer these question.

1. How many security feature will the company have ?

    ~ 3 (WAF,SSL,2FA)

2. Which security feature will stop attacks on the company network ?

    ~ WAF

3. What solution will protect customer contract and login boxes?

    The web application firewall (WAF) will protect our website from hacker attacks on         customers contacts and login boxes.

4. What will protect private user information sent over the network ?

    ~ website admistrasion will will go through two layers of security before they access the hosting envirotment 

5. What will the two-factor authentication prevent ?

    ~ Will prevent password leaks.

6. What will protect information ?

    ~ Two-factor authentication (2FA)

    Complete this dialogue

Monika    : Shayan, can you explain how a customer (1) .completes.  an online transaction?

Shayan    : Ok, it's very easy.(2) .first. the customer will place and order. The seller's (3).web. server                       will  confirm availability of the product and send a response. After that, the customer                              checks  out and completes the (4).payment. instructions. Then the server will send a                                payment request   to a  payment (5).gateway. The payment gateway will checks the buyer's                    ability to pay with  the (6).bank. ok?

Monika    : Fine, go on.

Shayan    : The bank will respond and send payment acceptance (7)..rejection . to the seller's web                             server through the payment gateway, Finally, the customer will receive the server respondse                    with the other (8).confirmation. or rejection.

Monika    : Will (9) .customers. have to register ?

Shayan    : Yes, all buyers , must have their (10)account. before they compelete the trnasaction.

Monika    : Thank you. Now I understand.

Group :    Dina Rahayu

                Muhamad Ihsan Maulidan


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Summary ENG II ''Interaction II''